  "body_markdown": "A *message* to you *@Lily Nienow*",
  "created_at": "2017-08-25T16:11:40.203Z",
  "file_attachments_count": 2,
  "user_id": 7,
  "uuid": "da040c2a-289b-46f7-88d1-86b16462de3e"
AttributeType or Potential ValuesNotes
body_markdownTextBugcrowd supports Github flavored markdown.
file_attachments_countIntegerNumber of file attachments on the Comment.

Comment types

A submission comment can be one of two different types:

  * note
  * tester_message

A note is viewable only to crowdcontrol users that have a relevant bounty or organization role, whereas a tester_message is viewable by both crowdcontrol users and researchers.

If you would like to communicate private information to the Bugcrowd ASE team, or to an internal analyst on your company's security team, create a note. If you have any questions or information to relay to the researcher who submitted the vulnerability, create a tester_message.


Comments are written in markdown. Bugcrowd supports Github flavored markdown, with some exceptions as listed in the parameters section below.

Mentioning other users

You can mention team members in a note and they will be notified of the mention. Use the following format in the comment body:

"Hi [[email protected]], I am mentioning you in a note!"